Crazy for coconut oil!!

Via Google

So I think I just might have found my next holy grail product. Yes it's coconut oil. It seems like this can be used for just about anything. I originally decided to get this for my hair as a conditioner because I heard it does amazing things for damaged hair or even just to help regrowth. Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.”Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health.This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits.

So naturally before I wen tout and bought this  decided to do some research on just what this oil would do for my hair and I was not disappointed by what I found out. This oil has so many uses not just for vanity reason I guess you could say but for your health as well.

I'll go ahead and list some of the ways that coconut oil can be used.
  • Hair Mask-You can apply it all over your hair, put on a shower cap and leave it overnight or just a couple of hours.
  • body oil/face moisturizer- Use it as a lotion applying it all over your body and face. Makes your skin nice and soft plus you'll smell good :)
  • Lip Balm- Dry lips? No problem dab some of this on those dry lips.
  • Cuticle softer- Apply to your cuticles and dry hands as well.
  • Under eye cream- Yup apply some of this oil under your eyes, it helps wit dark circles as well.
  • Make-up Remover- this was another big one for me. Use it as a make-up remover. Simply put on your face directly or on a cloth and take your make-up off.
  • Anti-frizz- Use a small amount on your hair either dry or damp to avoid getting frizz.
  • Body scrub- DIY: Mix coconut oil with some sugar and ta-da!
  • Shaving cream- Simply apply it to area being shaved and well shave lol
  • Ingredient- You can substitute it in your cooking for other oils. It can also be eaten straight out of the jar. You can add it to smoothies, Shakes, Coffee, teas, you name it.
  • Tanning oil- self explanatory
  • Hair regrowth-Apply and massage oil to bald or hair thinning spot leave on overnight or for about an hour.
  • Highlighter- Apply a thin layer on cheeks over make-up
  • Wound care- helps heal and avoid infections.
  • Dogs-Even your pets can benefit, apply to their paws if they're extra dry or cracked. As always be careful.
  • anything and everything- These are just some of the most common but there are hundreds more things it can be used for. Would take me forever to mention them all.
What kind should I buy?
  • Organic
  • Extra virgin
  • Cold pressed
  • Non-hydrogenated
Brand to look for:
  • Nutiva Coconut Oil
  • Natures Way Coconut Oil
  • Now Foods Coconut Oil
Have you used coconut oil before? If so let me know what you use it for or if you decided to give it a try and some of the new ways you use it for.


In a rut

Via Google

Hey guys!
Hope you all have been well. I know I have not been on here much but life sometimes tends to get in the way. Anyways this might be a different post than usual. Normally I post about advice but here I am seeking advice from you guys :) So usually I've been feeling like I'm in a career rut. Don't get me wrong I don't totally hate my job but I don't absolutely love what I do either. To be honest I think life is to short (I know you've prob heard this before but it's true)  to spend it doing things you do not love. I know nothing in life is perfect but settling for this that are okay just doesn't seem right.

I've thought about the idea of a new career for a bit now but I think it's time to actually act on it now. The problem is I do not know where to start. Do I go back to school, simply look for another job, keep positive and things will get better at my current job??? I just don't know. I'm not sure what I would go back to school for to be honest. I just want to have a career/job where I don't drag getting up in the morning and that I enjoy doing on a day to day basis.  I'm just sort of in limbo at this point and any ideas or suggestions that you think might help me out will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry about this random post but needed to vent out a bit and sort of get my head together on things.

Have any of you ever felt this way? If so what did you do about it? Let me know down below.
